💖Henley & Brooklynn💖

Six Years of AN Unbreakable Bond

Friendship that stands the test of time! Meet Henley & Brooklynn, two remarkable tweens who've shared laughter, dreams, and adventures for the past six years. Their bond is a testament to the power of true friendship. Today we celebrate their journey together in a heartwarming photo series featuring Henley & Brooklynn in our upcoming spring and summer 2024 collections. Join us as we capture the essence of their beautiful friendship and the vibrant personalities that make them shine individually and together. 


In the heart of a bustling library, where books whispered tales of far-off lands and whispered secrets, two bright-eyed 6-year-olds found each other. Little did they know that this chance encounter would mark the beginning of a lifelong friendship. Henley and Brooklynn, an inseparable pair, embarked on a remarkable journey that would see them through Girl Scouts, dance recitals, countless holidays, and countless shared smiles. 

Their first meeting, like something out of a storybook, was followed by a visit to Chick-fil-A, where they bonded over chicken nuggets and laughter. From that day forward, they became partners in adventure, painting their lives with strokes of joy, friendship, and shared experiences.



the dynamic duo 

What truly sets Henley and Brooklynn apart is their unwavering respect for each other. In a world where differences sometimes drive friends apart, these two have discovered the power of understanding and acceptance. Even on the rare occasion when disagreements arise, they offer each other space and time to reflect. Like the sunrise after a storm, their friendship always emerges stronger and brighter the next day.

Henley, with her outgoing nature and infectious joy, complements Brooklynn's reserved demeanor and sassy sense of humor perfectly. Together, they form a dynamic duo of positivity and laughter. Their unique blend of personalities has enriched their friendship, allowing them to appreciate each other's distinct qualities.

A magical moment 

Together, they navigated the winding roads of childhood, celebrating every holiday with unwavering enthusiasm. Their joint ventures in Girl Scouts and dance classes forged an unbreakable bond as they learned the values of teamwork and perseverance, side by side.

However, one of their most cherished adventures took place in the magical kingdom of Disneyland. Dressed as adorable Dalmatian puppies, they embarked on a day filled with enchantment. Little did they know, their escapade would literally stop traffic. As they marveled at the grand parade, the queen of mean herself, Cruella de Vil, couldn't resist the irresistible duo. She jumped out of her car to catch a glimpse of Henley and Brooklynn, a testament to their infectious charm.

Henley & Brooklynn are wearing styles from our upcoming paper flower spring/summer 2024 collection. Available in the trendiest boutiques march 2024. for more info or to be featured in a dynamic duo photoshoot please email us at info@paperflower.la

6 years & counting

As Henley and Brooklynn continue their journey through life, one thing remains certain: their friendship will endure, a shining example of the beautiful connections that can be forged when two hearts meet at the right place and the right time, serving as a heartfelt reminder of the enduring power of friendship, respect, and shared laughter in a world that can sometimes feel chaotic and unpredictable. Reflecting on the extraordinary journey of Henley and Brooklynn, we can't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be a part of their story.

It has been an absolute pleasure to witness their friendship blossom and to share in their adventures. We know that their futures are as bright as the smiles they've shared, and we're excited to see the incredible paths they will each carve out. From all of us here at the Paper Flower team, we wish Henley and Brooklynn the very best in everything that lies ahead. May your days be filled with continued laughter, joy, and boundless success.